Back pain can make it challenging to work and live normally. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to accommodate those with specific back ailments causing chronic pain, loss of motor function, low mobility, loss of sensation and reduced reflexes. If you experience back pain and are considering applying for SSDI benefits, the SSA requires medical proof of one of the qualifying conditions.
Back Conditions That May Be Eligible for Social Security Disability
The SSA reviews individual back issues that meet their criteria for disability. The following back problems likely qualify for disability through the SSA.
Spinal Stenosis
The spinal cord is a line of nerve tissue that runs through the spinal canal. The spinal canal typically has ample room for the spinal cord, but spinal canal compression or narrowing can lead to complications like spinal stenosis. The compression most often occurs in the lower or upper portions of the spine.
Spinal stenosis causes symptoms like numbness in the extremities, limb weakness or coordination issues, difficulty controlling the bladder or bowel and lower back pain. Spinal stenosis often results from spinal degeneration, injuries, bulging or herniated discs or synovial cysts.
Arachnoiditis involves inflammation of the membranes surrounding the spinal cord. Symptoms of arachnoiditis include pulsating pain, muscle spasms, cramps, tingling sensations in the extremities and sexual, bladder or bowel dysfunction. Arachnoiditis can result from traumatic injuries, spinal surgery complications, nerve root compression or infections like meningitis.
Spinal Nerve Root Compression
The roots and nerves that run through the spinal column are sensitive. Pinching the spinal column can disrupt or damage the roots, leading to sciatica or radiculopathy.
Radiculopathy can cause numbness or tingling throughout the skin, radiating pain in the legs, arms, shoulders or back, poor reflexes and overall weakness of the limbs. Spinal nerve root compression or pinching can result from a spinal injury, bone spur, herniated disc or spinal ligament ossification where the ligaments thicken, reducing room for the nerve roots.
Consult With Metropolitan Pain & Spine Institute
If you believe you may have one of the conditions that qualify for SSDI benefits, Metropolitan Pain & Spine Institute can help. Our team of specialists helps patients live comfortable, healthy lives. We can assess your back pain, provide medical proof for SSDI qualification and perform surgical and noninvasive treatments that enhance your quality of life.
Contact us online to schedule a consultation!