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Vertebral Compression Fracture

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Help for Vertebral Compression Fractures in Central New Jersey

A vertebral compression fracture, or VCF, happens when trauma occurs to the bones in your spine. The damaged vertebrae will decrease in height due to the fracture, and must decrease by at least 15% in order to be considered a VCF. This specific condition occurs when trauma compresses the bones; it’s common in people who have osteoporosis, though some people develop it with age or as an effect of certain cancers as their bones become more brittle and prone to fractures. It’s most commonly found in the thoracic spine. If you’ve already have a vertebral compression fracture, you’ll be at a higher risk of experiencing it again.

There are a number of types of VCF, including:

  • Wedge fractures. The most common fracture.
  • Crush fractures. The entire vertebra breaks.
  • Burst fracture. Height is lost in the front and back of the vertebra.

If you have suffered from a VCF and are searching for back pain treatment, our back specialist may be able to help.

What Is a Vertebral Compression Fracture?

A vertebral compression fracture (VCF) is a type of fracture that collapses one or more spinal vertebra because a bone has been compressed. This issue leads to the collapse of the vertebrae. It may occur without immediate pain. However, this kind of fracture can result in a band-like pain that moves from the spine to the sides of the back, requiring urgent VCF back pain treatment.

After some years, the spinal fracture will reduce the height of the entire spinal cord, and the person’s height will diminish.

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Compression Fractures of the Spine

What Are the Causes of Vertebral Compression Fractures?

Various factors can cause VCF. A thorough vertebral compression fracture diagnosis in NJ could reveal one or more of the following: trauma, osteoporosis and diseases affecting the bone.

  • Trauma: A severe injury that affects the spine can cause one of its vertebra to break. Falling from a great height and landing on the feet or buttocks, a motor vehicle accident or a sports injury can lead to VCF.
  • Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis literarily means porous bone. It occurs when the body makes too little or loses too much bone mass. It then leads to cracks or breaking away of the bones. Osteoporosis is common among menopausal women, but it can also occur in elderly men and people who have used steroid medications.
  • Bone infection: VCF can happen due to a pre-existing disease at the point of the fracture. This type of fracture may also be a result of cancer that has been transferred to the bone from the lung, breast or prostate. It can occur due to a bone infection known as osteomyelitis as well.

Treatment Options for Vertebral Compression Fractures in Central New Jersey

Most VCF cases can be handled with effective vertebral compression fracture pain management in NJ with the use of pain medication coupled with reduced physical activity. Medications also help improve bone density. A back brace reduces motion while healing takes place.

  • Pain medication: For effective vertebral compression fracture pain relief in NJ, the use of analgesic pain medicines that deal with nerve, muscle and bone-on-bone pain can be beneficial. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen are effective for muscle and bone pain. Antidepressants alleviate nerve pain.
  • Back bracing: Using a back brace will provide support and reduce the motion of the injured vertebrae. The rigid brace limits the motion of the spine.
  • Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty: In cases where intense pain persists after using pain medication and back bracing, surgery may be required. Surgical procedures used for VCF include kyphoplasty, vertebroplasty and spinal fusion depending on the fracture anatomy.

Reach out to us at Spine INA for more information about VCF back pain treatment options.

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