Spinal Surgery FAQ: When Can I Get Back To My Normal Life?
Any surgical operation is quite an undertaking, and at the Spine INA, we understand that it can be overwhelming. While it is worth it to find relief, it can be stressful when you don’t understand it fully. That is why we are using a series of blogs to answer frequently asked questions.
In our last blog, we explored how much work you should take off and how long your pain might last. We are going to use this blog today to answer a few more questions.
- How long is general recovery?
- As we mentioned before, the recovery time for non-invasive surgery is half the time it takes to recover from traditional surgery.
- In general, recovery most patients return to normal activity in six weeks. It takes longer for some. If you participate in a recovery program, you will recover faster.
- Will I have to wear a brace?
- The great thing is that minimally invasive procedures is that you won’t need a brace to recover. You will simply have one for comfort.
- Generally, patience wear the brace for one to two weeks for comfort. After that time, they only wear it occasionally.
We hope that this blog has been a helpful starting point for you in your research on minimally invasive back surgery. There is nothing that beats talking to a professional face-to-face, but we know that any information can help. Contact the Spine INA today to learn more about our spinal stenosis treatment and other operations!
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