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Steroids vs. Exercise for Sciatica Pain Relief

Steroids vs. Exercise for Sciatica Pain Relief Many people experience sciatica pain in their lower back or legs. Sciatica is not a disease but a description of symptoms. It involves discomfort related to the sciatic nerve, which branches from the bottom of the spine to the backs of the legs. […]

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8 Simple Habits to Support Your Back Every Day

Your spine is one of the most important structures in your body. It supports your body’s full weight, facilitates movement and regulates nerve function in every limb, organ and tissue. Without daily support of your back, your spine’s ability to help your body in these myriad ways becomes compromised. You […]

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The 8 Best Running Trails in Central New Jersey

Running is an excellent and accessible way to get in some exercise and fresh air. It only requires some quality shoes and a will to get moving. Going for a run can clear the mind and offer stress relief, and a regular running routine can offer even more. Running can […]

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Stiff Neck? What May Be Causing It

Stiff Neck? What May Be Causing It Waking up with a stiff neck can wreck an otherwise great day. Tight neck muscles can appear out of nowhere and last for several days or weeks at a time. Discovering the cause of your stiff neck will help you find the best […]

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6 Unexpected Home Accessories Responsible for Your Back Pain

6 Unexpected Home Accessories Responsible for Your Back Pain While back pain is common in the United States, many Americans are unaware that ordinary home accessories can be the cause of it. There are varying levels of back pain, and severe cases may require the help of a spine specialist. […]

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