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Preventing Joint Pain While Exercising: A Guide for Active Adults

Joints connect your bones to each other, creating the movement and motions that allow your body to do all of the things you need it to do during the day. When you’re feeling good, you probably don’t think about all of those movements. But if you’re one of the 14.6 million […]

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Conditions That Cause Neck Pain

This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on December 20th, 2017. Experiencing neck pain is something we all get to go through at some point. Unfortunately, there is really no way to avoid it. Many times, we can chalk the pain up to sleeping in a funny […]

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What Happens When You Don’t Do PT

People often see physical therapy as a form of detention. They get through their operations, and they just want to be done; they don’t want to go back for additional appointments. We understand. Nobody wants to have back troubles in the first place, and all too often, the journey to […]

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What Your Back Muscles Are Trying To Tell You

If you suffer from regular back pain, it’s very easy to assume that something is grievously wrong. When your back hurts, it can comprise everything you do in your day to day life. Activities like folding laundry and even just going for a walk can be exceptionally uncomfortable. And while […]

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8 Tips for a Healthy Back

This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on August 10th, 2017. It doesn’t matter how old you are or if you have chronic back pain; there are still many things you can do in order to improve your back health. Schedule a consult Your back is a […]

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