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How to Protect Your Spine at Amusement Parks

This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on May 22nd, 2019. There’s nothing more thrilling than riding on a roller coaster, and the United States has some of the best worldwide. But, each year, amusement park rides, like roller coasters, cause thousands of injuries that range from […]

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Preventing Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis affects millions of people across the world. This condition, a bone disease, occurs when the body either loses bone or does not make enough. This causes bones to become brittle and more prone to fractures. Every year, more than 8.9 million bone fractures occur due to osteoporosis. The condition is most […]

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What to Do Post-Surgery to Ensure the Best Recovery

Schedule a consult After you undergo surgery, you want to recover in the shortest time possible without complications. Everyone has a different experience with their post-surgery recovery. You may take shorter or longer than usual to get back to everyday life. However, you can raise your chances of a successful […]

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Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine Overview Musculoskeletal injuries (shoulder, hip, knee, etc) are a common cause of pain. Every year, about 100 million new injuries occur, and many progress into chronic pain. Regenerative medicine has been used as a therapy for treating musculoskeletal injuries for decades. Major advancements over the last 20 years […]

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Foot & Ankle Pain

The ankle is an amazing body part that gives us an incredible range of motion, allowing us to do a variety of different activities. As a hinged joint, not only can it move away from the body, but it also moves toward the body. This directionality, along with your feet’s […]

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