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7 Most Common Causes for Leg Numbness

This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on September 16th, 2021. What causes numbness in the legs and feet? We have many potential answers for you. In many cases, these issues have a spine-related cause that we can address. Discover how the spine can cause leg numbness […]

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Best Ways to Prevent Back Pain While You’re Driving

Prolonged sitting, whole body, low-frequency vibrations and constrained postures while driving can lead to back pain. It’s no fun for anyone to drive with lower, middle or upper back pain. Whether you’re driving to work every day or taking a trip that requires being behind the wheel for an extended period of time, you […]

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3 Signs That Your Knee Pain May Be Originating in the Back

3 Signs That Your Knee Pain May Be Originating In The Back This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on January 14th, 2021. When your knee aches, you undoubtedly start to wonder what could have caused it. Did you take a wrong step or twist your knee in […]

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Can You Get Arthritis in Your Back? Here’s What You Need to Know

This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on August 30th, 2020. Are you experiencing back and neck pain or a feeling of grinding when moving your spine? If you’re wondering whether you’re suffering from spinal arthritis — and what arthritis in the back feels like — know […]

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8 Exercises to Increase Your Hip Mobility

This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on July 8th, 2020. As the center of your body’s movement, your hips handle a high level of demand every single day. Enhanced hip mobility can make movements easier and reduce strain on your body. What is hip mobility? It […]

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