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Self-Chiropractic — Is It Safe to Crack Your Back?

Self-Chiropractic — Is It Safe to Crack Your Back? There’s something magical about the feeling of popping your back — or any joint, for that matter. When you can feel — and hear — that release of tension, the relief is undeniable. Whether you unexpectedly achieve the pop or purposely contort yourself to […]

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Best Ways to Prevent Back Pain While You’re Driving

Prolonged sitting, whole body, low-frequency vibrations and constrained postures while driving can lead to back pain. It’s no fun for anyone to drive with lower, middle or upper back pain. Whether you’re driving to work every day or taking a trip that requires being behind the wheel for an extended period of time, you […]

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Causes of Back Pain During Pregnancy

This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on June 14th, 2021. Pregnancy comes with a range of symptoms — one of which is back pain. Backaches during pregnancy are extremely common. More than half of women will experience a type of back pain during their pregnancy. Schedule a consult […]

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Why Opioids Aren’t the Best Solution for Back Pain Management

Back pain is one of the top causes of disability and missed work in the United States. When people chronically feel pain and can’t work, they are desperate for solutions. While there are many approaches to back pain treatment, a health care provider may prescribe a drug from the opioid family, a […]

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A 101 Guide to Exercising With Sciatica

This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on February 1st, 2021. When you struggle with severe sciatic nerve pain, a regular exercise routine may seem like an impossible goal. Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, even for those with sciatica. While you may need […]

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