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Back Pain and Incontinence — What It Is and How to Resolve It

Back Pain and Incontinence — What It Is and How to Resolve It Back pain and incontinence are closely related and can occur simultaneously due to an underlying medical condition. For example, a pinched nerve can cause urinary problems and back pain. While you may not initially think these symptoms […]

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How to Reduce Back Pain in the Office

How to Reduce Back Pain in the Office This content was medically reviewed by our providers on July 18th, 2022. If you’ve ever been on a long road trip, sat for several hours at a conference or have an occupation that involves prolonged sitting, you know the effect that sitting […]

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Dehydration and Joint Pain

Dehydration and Joint Pain Though most individuals are aware of the importance of staying hydrated, many don’t know the connections between dehydration and joint pain. Dehydration occurs when the body’s water content is too low, which can happen when an individual loses too much fluid or doesn’t intake enough fluids […]

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What Is Recovery From the Vertiflex® Procedure Like?

The unpleasant symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) can make engaging in your favorite activities and daily routines difficult. However, it’s possible to ease the pain associated with LSS by taking a gentle, less invasive and clinically approved approach. If your symptoms require more than conservative treatments, the Vertiflex procedure […]

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The 8 Best Running Trails in Central New Jersey

Running is an excellent and accessible way to get in some exercise and fresh air. It only requires some quality shoes and a will to get moving. Going for a run can clear the mind and offer stress relief, and a regular running routine can offer even more. Running can […]

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