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Do Back Pain Problems Qualify for Disability?

Do Back Pain Problems Qualify for Disability? Back pain can make it challenging to work and live normally. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to accommodate those with specific back ailments causing chronic pain, loss of motor function, low mobility, loss of sensation and […]

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5 Positive Affirmations for Those Recovering From Joint Pain

5 Positive Affirmations for Those Recovering From Joint Pain Staying positive through chronic or severe joint pain can be easier said than done. It takes work to stay positive when it feels like your pain is actively working against you. Your brain is a powerful organ that determines how you […]

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6 Stretches for Back Pain From Sitting All Day

6 Stretches for Back Pain From Sitting All Day Whether you’re at the office or working from home, you know all too well that sitting at your desk all day can lead to aches and pains. Staying in one position for hours is hard on your back. Thankfully, you can […]

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Sciatica vs. Pinched Nerve Pain — What’s the Difference?

Sciatica Vs. Pinched Nerve Pain — What’s The Difference? Sciatica vs. Pinched Nerve Pain — What’s the Difference? Sciatica and a pinched nerve can cause similar symptoms and are often confused with one another. Although similar, they are distinct conditions that require unique treatment. Learn the difference between these two […]

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Back Pain and Incontinence — What It Is and How to Resolve It

Back Pain and Incontinence — What It Is and How to Resolve It Back pain and incontinence are closely related and can occur simultaneously due to an underlying medical condition. For example, a pinched nerve can cause urinary problems and back pain. While you may not initially think these symptoms […]

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