Vacations are an important part of life. They allow us to get away from the daily grind, create memories, and expand our horizons. When you deal with chronic pain, vacations can seem impossible, but they aren’t. We have some tips to help you make the most of your time away! […]
How long has it been since your last vacation? When you suffer from chronic pain, vacations can seem almost impossible. It just seems simpler to stay home where you know you have support. However, that’s no way to live. There are things you can do to make a vacation more […]
Vacationing is part of a great life. If you feel you can’t take vacations because of your chronic pain, you’re wrong. At the Spine INA, we help people live their lives to the fullest, and our tips can make a vacation possible for you. Read on! Take road trips a […]
Chronic pain has a way of isolating a person. It prevents you from participating in activities with others, and after a while, it can seem easier to just be alone. This doesn’t have to be the case! Firstly,we are here. All the pain management experts at the Spine INA know […]
This content was medically reviewed by Baher S. Yanni, MD, on June 1st, 2016. If your chronic pain is intense enough that you need to see a doctor, you have to make the most of your appointment. If you haven’t evaluated your own pain and figured out how to express […]